Tuesday, 20 March 2012

Monday oh Monday...

before i start...yes i know it's tuesday today...but lets continue...

picture this...monday morning...7:28am...finger ready to press send to an email about this rather superb little workshop coming up in July

7:29...eldest son shouts through that he needs help with something in the lounge...so i run through, help him (with the volume on the remote!!!!) and fly back through to the kitchen to find that it's 7:30 and a bit...i press send and then convince myself that all the places must have gone because i didn't press send at 7:30 precisely...

so i do the school run, pick up a few bits from the post office, do the weekly food shop and come home to check emails...

and there...before my very eyes is an email say YES!

i had to read, re-read and then read again because i just couldn't believe it...

i booked 2 places, so the wonderful Kath from Inverleith and me will be taking ourselves off for a road trip on July 1st to meet Tiff and Rachelle (aka dottie angel and ted and agnes)...and let me tell you...i just CAN'T WAIT...

rose tinted specs at the ready...


  1. I only read Tif's blog post about this yesterday afternoon, by which time all the places were filled. I am really disappointed as I would have loved to have gone on this course. You will have to let us all know how you get on. If you could sneak me into your handbag on the day, even better!! xx

  2. Wow! Have fun! Rather jealous I can tell you!

  3. Wahooooooo! I am so excited! Thank you to my lovely bloggy friend for bookin my place! Xxx
